
To help with the organization & safety of our students, we will not be accepting bus passes by phone, fax, or email.

If your child needs to ride another bus, please send your student in with a detailed note that has the date, address, and a parent or guardian's signature, or dismiss them for a pick up in person prior to 2:40 p.m. if possible. All notes or requests for bus passes are to be presented to the teacher in the elementary grades or the Superintendent's Office/District Office for the students in grades 7-12.

Lisbon Central School Transportation Department

Transportation Liaison:
Mrs. Krista Woods
315-393-4951 Ext. 23185










Parents can help make the transportation of students easier and safer by following these rules:  

  • NO phone, fax, or email bus passes!

  • Make sure that permission for field trips are received by the teacher before the day of the trip.

  • If your son or daughter is riding with another student in an automobile, we must have a permission slip in the office.

  • All student drivers must register their vehicle with Mrs. Matheson in the high school office.

  • For your child's safety and others, please do not let your child bring toys or radios on the bus.

  • It is in violation of the New York State Education Law for students to eat or drink on buses.

  • Students are not to cross the road to approach the bus until given the "thumbs up" signal.

  • Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated on any buses. Please obey your bus driver.

  • Students transported out of district are reminded when we are closed, we do not transport to other schools.