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Click the image above to access Lisbon Central's SchoolTool
We are pleased to offer parents and guardians of Lisbon Central School students access to the district’s student information system, SchoolTool. Parents/guardians will have access to a Parent Portal which will provide access to attendance, discipline, progress report, and report card grade information to assist their child(ren) with achieving good grades and maintaining an excellent academic record.
Teachers will be using SchoolTool as the driving force of communication between students and parents by keeping their grade books up-to-date as much as possible and utilizing the email functions within SchoolTool. To learn more about SchoolTool Parent Portal and how to navigate it, please see the attached User Guide below.
To have a Parent Portal account created for you, please complete the Request Form below!
Parent Portal will be where Progress Reports and Report Cards are published as we will no longer be mailing paper copies home.
Parent/Student Portal is now mobile on the NEW SchoolTool App!
It's easier than ever before to access your student's grades, assignments, schedule, and attendance. Download the App in the Google Playstore or iPhone App Store today! A helpful user guide is attached below with specific instructions on how to link Lisbon's SchoolTool with your new SchoolTool App.
The following fields are required:
SchoolTool URL: https://schooltool1.neric.org/SchoolTool_LISB/
Username: Enter your SchoolTool Parent Portal or Student Portal account username, which is a full email address
Password: Enter your SchoolTool Parent/Student Portal password