Frogs Club

Welcome to The Lisbon Central School F.R.O.G.S. Club

 (Fun Reading Of Good Stories)

Frogs Club

2023-2024 School Year

The goal of FROGS Club is to get children excited to read!!  

  • FROGS stands for Fun Reading Of Good Stories!

  • After students read or have a book read to them, they take a reading

    comprehension quiz using the online program, Accelerated Reader. 

    The quizzes ask simple multiple-choice questions that check their recall of basic facts and events in the book.

  • When students pass a quiz, they receive points!  The more they read and pass quizzes, the more points they earn!!

  • You can check online to see what books are FROGS, by going to

  • Students will be able to take FROGS tests at school & at home from 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. every day! 

Students will be reading to achieve goals!  We are building a reading community at LCS!!!  

Part of being a reading community is encouraging each other to read!!