Committee on Special Education

What is Special Education?

Special Education is "specialized instruction" provided for students who are determined to have a specific disability as defined by Public Law 94-142 and amended by the 1997 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It may be provided by one or several special education teachers(s). Also, related specialists will sometimes assist in the program planning or direct services for a child.

What is the cost for these services?

There is no cost to the parent. 

How is a child referred to Special Education?

The referral process for preschool children begins with notification, to the LCS Special Education Director, of a child suspected of having a disability. This referral can be made by a variety of sources, including family members, doctors, and community agencies.

School-aged children are referred to the Student Support Team(SST) at the local school by parents, teachers, or other persons who are knowledgeable about the students' problems. The SST may be composed of school personnel, the referring teacher, and the child's parents. The SST refers to Special Education after other alternatives have been attempted and proven unsuccessful in helping the child in the regular classroom setting. 

What are the different categories of Special Education? 

  • AutismDeaf/Blind

  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

  • Hearing Impairment

  • Intellectually Disabled (mild, moderate, severe, profound)

  • Orthopedic Impairment

  • Other Health Impairment

  • Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

  • Significant Developmental Delay(ages 3-5)

  • Specific Learning Disability

  • Speech-Language Impairment

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Visual Impairment 

Are other services available?

Yes! When appropriate, services are offered in the areas of: psychological evaluation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, related vocational instruction, specialized transportation, assistive technology devices and services, audiological services, nutrition services, social work services, etc.

When is a referral to Special Education appropriate

A referral to Special Education is appropriate when:
A child is experiencing a persistent problem of a physical, mental or emotional nature which significantly interferes with the success of the child in his/her educational program.
All alternatives available to the child in the regular program have been exhausted and/or are not applicable to the problem.

What steps occur following a referral to Special Education?

Parents are always contacted and informed of the reason for a referral. The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (June 1997) outlines specific steps and procedures that must follow in a referral to Special Education. The steps include parents' involvement and are:

  • a written copy of Parents'Rights are given to the parents;

  • permission to evaluate is requested;

  • assessment(s);

  • development of a Special Education Plan for each student, if applicable;

  • permission to place in Special Education (if appropriate);

  • periodic review of the child's program; and

  • periodic reassessment of the student's strengths and weaknesses 

Who do I contact if I have more questions about Special Education at LCS?

Your child's principal or Mrs. Shannon Mattice, Chairperson of the Committee on Special Education at LCS. 393-4951 Extension 23133.

Website References:

Autism Spectrum Disorder @

CSE/CPSE Chairperson: Shannon Mattice (315)393-4951 x23133